Ostentatiously simple analytics

Statboy is the absolute easiest way to track the metrics that matter to you.

The Pitch

Here's the big idea behind Statboy:

Tracking basic metrics within your apps and tools is too damn hard, and there should be a better way.

As a web app developer, 99% of the metrics I care about are simple matters of counting:

  • Was a button clicked five times, or 500?
  • How many new users signed up last week?
  • How many existing users signed in?
  • Which customers are using our new UI features the most?
  • Which menus and filters get the most engagement?

And et cetera.

These metrics seem like they should be simple to track. But often, configuring my analytics tooling would take as long as building the feature itself!

And even once I got my analytics working, there were endless complications: Data loss for users with ad blockers. Ugly visualizations I had to redo before sharing with stakeholders. Complicated filtering UIs with impossible learning curves.

All that—just to count how many times a button got clicked!

No doubt there's a place for sophisticated product analytics tools, but in my job, I've never needed them. What I needed was a clean, simple analytics tool that would ingest my data and spit out an attractive dashboard where my colleagues and I could track it.

And that's what a Statboy is: a zero-learning-curve analytics tool for event-based metrics. You send Statboy your data, Statboy gives you a dashboard to keep tabs on it, and you get on with your life. No muss, no fuss.
